Beta 1.1
Design Update
Beta 1.1 includes a slight background change and the initial introduction of Dark Mode! With the dark mode, when you visit the website and your device is in dark mode it will automatically switch to the brand new dark mode. Try it for yourself!
Introduction of Change Logs
With Beta 1.1 we are adding a new feature which integrates with our Notion. This feature is Change Logs. With Change Logs you will be able to see what has been changed in our website development phases. You can view our Notion Board or view the changes on our Change Log page on our website. The website feature is integrated from the newly announced API functionality with Notion. Not only will you be able to see current versions but production versions of the change log as well!
Bug Fixes and Improvements
With Beta 1.1 we have further updated third-party scripts to their latest versions and made some small speed improvements.
With Beta 1.1 we have implemented a fix/work-around to a bug where profiles may not load initially. We will automatically refresh the page every 5 seconds, just in case if the server didn't reach the database properly. We also implemented this to work with profiles that currently aren't on our platform.
In a small release of Beta 1.0.1 we had fixed some of the vector bugs where they would show up smaller. This update is continued in version Beta 1.1.
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